La Russie commence à importer des fruits israéliens

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La Russie a imposé un embargo sur les fruits et légumes en provenance de l’Union européenne. La Russie va importer des produits agricoles israéliens.

I24News: European and Middle Eastern countries shun Israeli industry after Gaza operation

After deciding to boycott fruit imports from Europe, Russia is turning to Israel looking for agricultural products as Russia-EU relations deteriorate over the Ukraine crisis, Haaretz reported.

This shift in Russia’s import market comes as buyers in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, and some European countries have began refusing to buy Israeli mangoes in light of Operation Protective Edge. […]

Amir Porat of Adom Fruits … […] added that in light of Russia’s souring relationship with Europe, Israel would see a rise in fruit exports to Russia, especially apples and plums.

“Unfortunately, the Russian market isn’t a big consumer of mangoes, so it can’t replace the declining demand from Europe,” said Porat. Porat also added that the decrease in Israeli fruit sales to Europe could be linked to the Russian boycott, which may have led to a surplus of domestically produced fruits in Europe. )
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3 Commentaires

  1. Mordechai.A dit :

    Excellent. La Russie a trouvé en Israel un allié sûr, loyal et riche de compétences.

  2. Richard C. dit :

    Betters and cheapers fruits for russia!

  3. BENSOUSSAN dit :

    Si nous échangeons le marché français contre le marché Russe, c’est une très belle opération pour Israel 😉 😉 😉

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